
Which Face Wash / Soap is best for skin ? - Beauty Tips

Which Face Wash / Soap is best for skin ? - Beauty Tips

During summer season some of the people's face will be dull and some sweat a lot. For this they will face their face frequently by using more soap. It is good to use chemical-free herbal products. Without any option some people use face wash. You should select face wash with best quality. Some people use face wash with added chemicals and fragrance but It is best to avoid using such products. The PH level in the face wash you buy should be in between 4.5 to 5.5 There are several skin types like oily, dry and normal for different people.

You can buy and use the suitable face wash for you skin type. You can start using facewash from age 12. But in the caste of children it is better to get advice from a skin specialist and use soap with moisturiser. People with pimple problem can use face wash specially made for them and avoid scrubbing frequently. We should not wash our face with hot water and cold water is best for washing our face. If we wash our face frequently our skin will stay away from infections and dirt.

You can use face wash three times a day and some people are unaware of it. If you are going out use sunscreen or moisturiser suitable for your skin after washing your face. Wash your face softly with a little massage and while wiping gently wipe your face. Those who have sweat smell problem use anti-bacterial soap. Because if good bacteria is washed off then bad bacteria will increase and spoil our skin. When you go out in the sun and come back clean your face with your cleanser. Cleanser will only clean the dirt and will not give refreshment so wash your face with face wash. Some people may have skin problems and it will take some months to cure. If you use medicine with steriod it will be cured temporarily. But it may lead to big problem in future.

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